Traffic Safety

The History Of The Roundabout When the topic of roundabouts is brought up, most people think of a city in Europe with traffic whizzing around a circular road. However, roundabouts have their roots in America and grow in popularity throughout the United States in 1905 when William Phelps Eno designed a circular intersection for New York City. As traffic speeds … Continue reading “Mapping Safer Road Design In America With Roundabouts”


What Is Artificial Intelligence? The roots in artificial intelligence can be found when classic philosophers attempted to map and describe how humans process information and think about manipulating symbols in their environment. As technology continued to advance, engineers and philosophers were able to apply programmable digital computers to address complex mathematical reasoning. The process of having computers understand more profound … Continue reading “Artificial Intelligence And The Future Of Autonomous Vehicles”


American Drivers Facing Dangers Each year, American drivers spend around 293 hours driving about 10,900 miles each. This is a lot of time on the road and opens up the possibility of crashes or other instances. While most drivers spend a significant amount of time on the road each year, the dangers that drivers are facing is mounting each year. … Continue reading “Three Of America’s Deadliest Interstates”

Self Driving Cars

Adjusting Existing Laws & Regulations For Autonomous Car Technologies Autonomous technology is being integrated into everything we do. From computers to workflows, and even self-driving cars, autonomous technology is quickly changing how humans interact with the world around them. While local policymakers and city planners work together to find ways to integrate autonomous car technology into our cities, there are … Continue reading “Shaping The Future Of Autonomous Cars With Experimental Ethics”

Safe Driving

Across the U.S., urban cities rely on parking garages to allow customers and residents to park their vehicles. In fact, in a recent study by IBIS World found that annual growth of parking garage usage in the U.S. grew by 3.3% from 2012 – 2017. Parking garages aren’t just for show either, because they mean big business. During that same … Continue reading “How To Put The Brakes On Parking Garage Auto Accidents”

Self Driving Cars

Unpredictable weather conditions like snow storms, heavy rain, and dense fog can be a significant source of frustration for drivers. Not only do these factors contribute to traffic accidents and injuries on our public roads, but they can also lead to deaths across America. As the U.S. government seeks to reduce deaths caused by traffic accidents to zero within 30 … Continue reading “Winter, Rain, And Fog (Oh My!): Is Autonomous Technology Ready For Harsh Weather?”

Pedestrian Safety

The Current State Of School Zone SafetyA recent study by Safe Kids Worldwide shows alarming trends when it comes to the safety of students traveling to school. As of 2015, about five pedestrians died in school zones each week.While the United States has seen the deaths of schools zones has decreased over the past 20 years, many experts are concerned … Continue reading “Back To School: 7 Ways To Make School Zones Safer For Students & Pedestrians”

Traffic Safety

IoT Technology: The Future Of Smart Cities In AmericaWe live in a technology-driven world where technological devices control everything around us. Everything from interactive microwaves and cars, to smart cars, our lives are shaped by IoT technology. Devices that communicate with each other through the Internet leverage IoT networks to increase the breadth and value of data that is collected at each point … Continue reading “How IoT Technology Is Creating The Future Smart Cities”

Road Design

How To Make City Streets Safer With Smart Design As the U.S. continues to see more drivers on the roads than ever before, state and local lawmakers are looking for ways to create safer streets to be enjoyed by all city residents. While many new and innovative safety measures are being implemented throughout urban environments, city planners can look to … Continue reading “Simple Roadway Tech To Make Our Streets Safer”

Pedestrian Safety

Securing Pedestrian SafetyTraffic accidents continue to be the leading form of death in the United States, and this trend continues to climb in our city streets. As more people walk from place to place to save money or stay fit, local policymakers are starting to see a dangerous pattern where walking in urban environments is getting more dangerous each year.From … Continue reading “How Safe Are Pedestrians In The U.S.?”

Pedestrian Safety

Securing Pedestrian SafetyAs the American population continues to grow, cities throughout the U.S. see a population influx in many regions. As more people congregate in urban environments, economic forces in these areas often see a substantial increase in many aspects, and there are many benefits from this ongoing population trend.As cities grow, so do the benefits that many sectors of … Continue reading “4 Cities That Are Integrating Smart Technology To Improve Pedestrian Safety”

Self Driving Cars

The Rise Of Automobiles And Dangers To PedestriansFor decades, automobiles have been the primary form of transportation across the U.S. As their popularity has increased, instances involving pedestrians and vehicle crashes have also grown to the point where today almost 100 people die each day from vehicle crashes.Roads are becoming filled with vehicles, and at the same time, U.S. cities … Continue reading “Reading The Road: Optimizing Autonomous Technology For Pedestrian Safety”

Self Driving Cars

Technology Connecting The World & Shipping SystemsAs the world’s economic systems continue to become more connected, shipping companies are utilizing advanced systems to improve efficiency and reduce costs.Autonomous vehicle technology is quickly evolving, and as self-driving tech is showcased in personal vehicles, many of the most significant advancements in this industry will be seen in shipping applications.Driverless technology promises the … Continue reading “Autonomous Trucks: The Future Of Shipping Technology”

Self Driving Cars

Our Transport Revolution  Autonomous vehicles have a bright future in the United States. As technology continues to advance, our roads will begin to be filled with vehicles that leverage various benefits for pedestrians, other vehicles, and bicyclists. In a series of tests in 2014, Google performed several experiments find how sharing the road with autonomous cars will impact bicyclists. This … Continue reading “Will Self-Driving Cars Save Bicyclist Lives?”

Self Driving Cars

For years rumors have been circulating that Apple has been working on autonomous car technology. Much like their competitor, Alphabet, Inc., Apple is known as an innovator in the technology sector.In late November 2016, Apple revealed that they were “investing heavily in the study of machine learning and automation” in a letter they submitted to the National Highway Traffic Safety … Continue reading “Apple Has An Official Permit To Test Self-Driving Cars In California”