What Is Jaywalking and Is It Really Illegal? — A Look at the Infamous Traffic Violation When most people think of traffic violations, the first thing that comes to mind is speeding. However, there are a number of other offenses that can lead to a driver being ticketed, such as running a red light or stop sign. One lesser-known offense … Continue reading “What Is Jaywalking And Is It Really Illegal?”
Traffic Cones Keep America Moving Each day, over 227 million drivers climb into their cars and take to the roads. Daily commuters sit in traffic on highways or city streets and take in the scenery, which most likely includes fluorescent orange traffic cones. From surrounding construction sites to alerting shoppers to a wet floor, traffic cones are used in areas … Continue reading “Everything You Need To Know About Traffic Cones (From The Experts)”
Intro: The Different Types of Barricades For Projects Construction sites are a dangerous area, and this danger increases whenever a construction project takes place near an active roadway with traffic nearby. As construction projects increase and more drivers hit the road, the use of traffic barricades is more critical than ever before to maximize the safety of construction workers, pedestrians, … Continue reading “The Complete Guide To Types Of Traffic Barricades That You Need To Know”
If you’ve never used valet parking before, you likely believe that it’s as easy to do as it is in movies and TV shows, which usually involves someone getting out of the car, tossing their keys to the valet, and strolling into the hotel or restaurant. However, it’s essential to understand that valet parking is much different and can take … Continue reading “The Ultimate Guide On Everything You Need To Know About Valet Parking”
Electric scooters are growing in popularity in cities across the United States due to their convenience and ease of use to get around crowded downtown areas. Similar to electric cars, electric scooters are powered by a rechargeable battery and can reach top speeds around 20MPH. This means that business people, tourists, and everyday commuters can travel from home to work … Continue reading “Understanding The 4 Major Points In The Debate Over Electric Scooters”
There are 263.6 million registered vehicles in the United States, and as more drivers look to gain their freedom through personal automobiles, there is an increasing chance that drivers will speed through your neighborhood. Not only is speeding dangerous to other drivers, but speeding in neighborhoods also poses the potential for serious injury and even death to children and pedestrians … Continue reading “How Can I Slow Down Traffic In My Neighborhood? Use These 4 Tips.”
Each year more than 56 million children travel from their homes to attend school by walking, biking, and taking the bus. Drivers must take precautions to account for increased traffic and dangers as children return to school. Roads will become congested during peak times, and school zones have become one of the leading causes of injuries and deaths for school-aged … Continue reading “5 Driving Tips To Remember To Keep School Zones Safe”
Self-driving cars are being tested on public roads and actively pursued by engineers, but if you haven’t seen one on the road, you aren’t alone. Despite the fleets owned by Waymo, General Motors, and Tesla, there are plenty of reasons why autonomous cars have stalled out for the general population of consumers. Recent years saw a jump in hype and … Continue reading “What’s Stalling The Dream Of Autonomous Cars In The U.S.?”
Expectations for Autonomous cars is growing each year, and as technology continues to improve, we are seeing science fiction coming closer to reality. From the Jetsons and other cartoons, the public started to imagine a world where self-driving vehicles drove around cities as their occupants read the morning newspaper or watched T.V. Autonomous cars promise that our vehicles will drop … Continue reading “Will Autonomous Cars Break Your City’s Bank?”
If you live in or near an urban area, then you have likely started to see more electric scooters around your city. Whether you see them parked near local restaurants or buzzing down side streets, you are sure to see more e-scooters as startups start to introduce scooters to fulfill the sharing economy. The popularity of electric scooters is growing … Continue reading “The Rise Of Electric Scooters Across U.S. Cities”
Safety Vests: Enhancing Work Zone Safety & Efficiency Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) plays a vital role in workplace safety, ensuring workers are protected from potential hazards. Among the various types of PPE, safety vests are one of the most important for visibility and accident prevention in high-risk environments. High-visibility safety apparel enhances worker visibility in all conditions, including low-light environments, … Continue reading “The Complete History & Evolution Of The Safety Vest”
How Much Does A Traffic Cone Cost? Traffic cones are a type of channelizing device that can be used on roads, sidewalks, and around dangerous environments to redirect pedestrians and drivers in a safe manner. The history of traffic cones is very interesting, and since their creation, this safety product has become a staple on American roadways and construction areas. … Continue reading “How Much Does A Traffic Cone Cost?”
The Growing Dangers On U.S. Roads More Americans than ever before are commuting on public roads with a motor vehicle, and with more drivers comes more opportunity for auto accidents. As this trend continues to progress, the U.S. is experiencing the longest run of roadway deaths and a recent study by the National Safety Council showed that over 40,000 people … Continue reading “How IoT & Machine Learning Are Making Our Roads Safer”
Who Should Be Aware Of Fraud At The Gas Pump? Americans love to travel during the Summer and around the holidays. These times are filled with cheer and excitement as families take road trips around the U.S. to visit State Parks, visit family in other states, or just get away for family vacations. According to AAA, more than 45 million … Continue reading “Watch Out For Card Skimming At The Gas Pump”
How Safe Are U.S. Drivers? Driving a motor vehicle is an essential part of the United States economy, and this mode of transportation has established itself as a vital piece of American culture. In fact, each year Americans drive an estimated 13,476 miles as they travel between home, work, and other destinations. It goes without saying that the miles people … Continue reading “Distracted Driving Is A Leading Cause Of Death On U.S. Roads”