PA Teens Award for Safe Driving and Traffic Awareness

Wise-behind-the-wheel teens crashed into current headlines, championing their achievements in the fourth Teen Safe Driving Competition, sponsored by the Allegheny County Safe Driving Committee. Winners reaped fame and fortune, collecting prizes upward of $250 for top placements. Students’ safe driving were gauged via safety-knowledge exams, perceptual aptitude trials, and a driving skills course. Allegheny Police, as well as PA state and county officials judged the event, appraising students from 10 area schools on their teen driving accomplishments and awareness. Winning schools represented include, Chartiers Valley, Keystone Oaks, and Riverview. In addition to flexing their newly-awarded clout around school halls, the top two winners have opportunity to compete in Pennsylvania’s Safe Driving Competition for Youth in May. How’s your teen coming around the bend regarding their own driving skills? Some teens require more practice, which is the reason for a number of approved PA driving schools. On top of it, studies show that a number of your bad habits may be influencing your child’s driving behaviors.

Quick, Teen Driver Safety Facts

    • Motor vehicle accidents remain the number-one cause of adolescent deaths.
    • 75% of serious teen crashes are attributed to 3 major causes (not scanning for road hazards, driving too fast for road conditions, and getting distracted by stimuli in or outside of vehicle.)
    • In 2010, 11% of teens aged 15-19 dying of motor-vehicle crashes were reportedly distracted while driving.
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  Did you know teen drivers, aged 16-19, comprise the age group at greatest accident risk? What are you doing as concerned parent, facilitating responsibility and driver safety awareness? Professionals ask parents to consider the following:
    • Remind your teen driver about the importance of wearing seat-belts. It takes one second to click yourself in, and one second of a horrible accident could alter the rest of their intended healthy lives. Accidents can happen to anyone at anytime; seat-belts decrease risk of injury and death.
    • The fatality risk of teens, aged 16-19, increases 3.6 times when carrying passengers with them as compared to driving idly. Kids rally around driving friends, often driving the streets in groups. Ensure your teens understand their responsible for the safety of others when hosting passengers.
    • The crash rate for teen drivers is 3 times higher after 9 pm. Reaction time is slower at night, and impediments to drivers are more difficult to see; these facts combined with inexperience can equal disaster, so make sure teens use warranted caution after sundown.
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