How to Install Fence Panels on Water Barricades
The Yodock® 2001MB barricade is a plastic, water-fillable Longitudinal Channelizing Device (LCD) which can be used for traffic or pedestrian channelization, road & street closures, or perimeter fencing for construction job sites. Fence panels extend up 66" from the top of the barricade and are 71" in width. Yodock water barricades may be deployed empty, or full of water or sand. Light enough to be set up without heavy equipment they can be positioned in place by hand. The Yodock 2001MD is 6' long, 18" wide, and 32" high. Empty weight is approximately 85 lbs and full of water the Yodock 2001MB weighs approximately 900 lbs. Traffic Safety Store has these units in stock for immediate delivery.